I have found myself completely re-thinking who I am and why I am who I am. From experiences to personality, everything influences the person you are and who you will be. I remember being in a hospital room on my 8th birthday and learning that my baby brother was diagnosed with A.L.L. (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) which meant 3 years of heavy chemotherapy and 7 additional years of the doctors watching him to make sure it didn't come back. The steroids that they had to put him on, the threat of hospitalization hanging over our heads in the "Sick-Season", and the near-daily visits to C.H.O.A. (Child Hematology Oncology Associates) made my childhood and pre-teen years very scary and dull. I learned to read books instead of go out for sports, and school myself because we had to be pulled out of school due to my little brother's lack of immune system. I thought this situation ruled my life. I look back on my life and remember doctors and nurses as my family and friends. I always thought the your situation makes you who you are- IT DOESN'T. Your situation merely teaches you how to properly climb the hill we call life with as much grace and positivity as possible. It shows you how important and wonderful life is. It gives you perspective. It was so hard to watch my little brother suffer like he did, but God brought my family out of it stronger than ever. Of course we asked the "Why" questions, but God has shown us over and over again that He didn't cause the situation, He made good from the bad. Kicking Satan's sorry butt all the way through it. Each time we climb over something it gets us a little father up that mountain so we can see the beautiful valleys below- and each time we become more and more enamored by God when we look down and see that He brought us through each bit, one step at a time. And that those "bits" have shaped us and molded us into the beautiful , crazy wonders that we are today.
Morihei Ueshiba - “Study how water flows in a valley stream, smoothly and freely between the rocks. Also learn from holy books and wise people. Everything - even mountains, rivers, plants and trees - should be your teacher.”
Aldous Huxley - “My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing.”