Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Arrived in Anaheim, California! I was telling everyone that I would definitely blog while I'm here but I'm realizing how hard that may be. My thoughts are so incredibly jumbled right now. I'm excited but mostly scared of my next step. I have no idea how to process these feelings or how to react to my circumstances. I'm already finding myself wanting to go into retreat mode and bow out gracefully and then God reminds me that He is in this plan too. He keeps showing me that this is what I'm supposed to do, He gives me peace and assurance, He protects my heart even now while I'm so vulnerable.
It has hit me though. Quicker than I thought it would, actually. I have realized how long I'll be away. How far. How different. But mostly that I'm alone. And I know that the first thing that come to people's minds is; "But you're not alone, you have God!" Yes. True. But it's still very different and not as tangible as a hug from a friend or a house to go chill at to escape everyday life. But still, God is the center of it ALL. He is the clarity in the haze. He's is my anchor. And writing these words just make me see that even more. Listening to some Gungor. Typing a blog. In another state. God is near. He's hear. He's talking to me and He's talking to you.

I don't have much more than that right now...I'm mostly trying to process through blogging ;) Thanks for reading :) Later it will be much more interesting!

Here's a few pictures though-

Outside the Airport

At IHop at 2:30 A.M.!

I accidentally ripped my ticket. Totes Awk.

1 comment:

  1. I love you sweetheart. You are ALWAYS near me in my heart and my prayers. Stay the course- follow His leading. Speak the promises and the "I ams" over your doubts.
