Sunday, July 8, 2012

24 days!

Hi sweet friends!
Just a quick update on my life and my journey into Australia!
I leave in 24 days! I can't believe how quickly it has come and I'm dealing with a lot of very mixed emotions and my poor family has had the brunt of it. I didn't realize how difficult it can be trying to clarify emotions in a transitional period like this. I feel so excited and ready to embark on such an adventure but at the same time, I sit in a room with all of my friends, chatting and having fun, and realize that I will miss out on a lot of life with these people that I consider family. So I've been a little grumpy, a little blank. Not knowing what to do.

I've also heard a few things and I know that they are spiritual attacks trying to instill doubt into my dreams. So please pray against that if you think of me.

I'm also in great need of a few things still and praying for provision and trusting God that He will provide as He always does :) And on a happy note, my wonderful brother had a high quality camera that he no longer needed and gave it to me instead of selling it! HUGE blessing and one more thing I can thank God for providing.

Any prayers or provisions are welcomed and appreciated! And I sincerely thank you for all of your support on my journey. I feel so blessed that God has placed you in my life. Thank you.

So quick prayer requests if you think of me,
- Provision for a laptop, clothes, and the rest of the money for my plane tickets
- Protection in my travels and my new home
- Peace among the doubts, stress, fear and separation anxiety.
- Opportunity beyond just Australia. Whatever that may mean :)
- Life-Giving Friends in Australia who will encourage me and support me

Much Love to all of you.
